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Tips for communicating with your owner or asset manager

Written by Ken Barna | Mar 19, 2019
According to Jennifer Hill, VP of Client Engagement at Kalibri Labs, Revenue Strategists should always have a seat at the table with owners and asset managers when there are other disciplines represented. When at the table, Revenue Strategists should provide simple, clear and effective messaging as to what is happening in the market, why it's happening and what they are doing to accomplish a particular strategy.
It's really important to be able define a challenge or upcoming obstacle, understand how they are going to implement their strategies, and then deliver that message very clearly so that the owners and asset managers understand it’s a known problem but the team is aware of it and taking a proactive approach to resolve it. If the team is celebrating success, it's really important to showcase how that success was accomplished and the obstacles the team overcame.

For more information on a Hotel Revenue Strategy Platform built with that framework in mind, please schedule a demo.